
  • (2025) New publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.  Title:  Neonatal but not Juvenile Treatment with AAV Gene Therapy Reduces Seizures and Prolongs Lifespan in a Mouse Model of SCN1B-Dravet Syndrome.   Chunling Chen, Yukun Yuan, Heather A. O'Malley, Robert Duba-Kiss, Yan Chen1, Karl Habig, Yosuke Niibori, Samantha L. Hodges, David R. Hampson, and Lori L. Isom

  • (2022-2025) New CIHR grant. David Hampson is the Principal Investigator on a new grant awarded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to pursue additional research on developing gene therapy for Dravet Syndrome. Co-investigators are Robert Bonin at the University of Toronto and Lori Isom at the University of Michigan.
  • (2021-2022) RDMM Network and Dravet Canada grants. David Hampson receives grant from The Rare Diseases Models and Mechanisms Network, and Dravet Canada, to work on gene therapy for Dravet Syndrome involving mutations in the SCN1B gene.
  • (2020) Taysha Gene Therapies partnership. Dr. Hampson signs an agreement with Taysha Gene Therapies to pursue additional research on gene therapy for treating Fragile X Syndrome.
  • (2020) Regenxbio Inc. agreement. Dr. Hampson signs agreement with Regenxbio Inc. to pursue additional research on gene therapy for treating Dravet Syndrome.
  • (2017) DC and DSF funding. Dravet Canada and Dravet Syndrome Foundation (USA) fund new gene therapy research in the Hampson Lab.